For Arabic

Zarzour Thyme

Green and Red Thyme

The company started packaging thyme in 1963.
We offer consumers two special blends of thyme made from the finest Syrian thyme leaves: Jordanian Blend and Royal Blend.
Our thyme is blended and packed in an automated line without manual intervention offering ourconsumer an air tight pack that keeps the fresh thyme flavor intact.

Health Tips

- Strengthens the respiratory system
- Cures rheumatism
- Strengthens the immune system
- Activates the blood cycle
- Contains substances that relieve pain
- Strengthens muscles and prevents stiffened arteries
- Reduces cholesterol levels

Product Barcode Pack Type Pieces/PB
Red Thyme 75g621-079-110502-8Aluminum bag96
Red Thyme 500g621-079-134719-0Aluminum bag20
Green Thyme 75g621-079-110502-8Aluminum bag96
Green Thyme 500g621-079-143110-3Aluminum bag20

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Damascus - Syria